eBook Download Instructions

eBook Download Instructions

Thank you for purchasing the Divorce Corp eBook. For detailed instructions on how to download and view this eBook please select the reading device you intend to use from the list below.

Divorce Corp eBook Download Instructions for iOS Device

Here are the instructions for downloading your eBook copy of Divorce Corp. on an iOS device, such as an iPad or iPhone.

Please note: you must have an internet connection in order to proceed.

  1. If you have not already done so, you may need to install one of the following free reader apps on your device. Devices such as the iPhone 6 running iOS 8.4 and higher probably don’t need to download the reader apps. If you already have one of these apps installed on your device skip to step 3. If you already have one of these apps installed on your device and have authorized your device using an Adobe ID skip to step 5. Again, if you are running iOS 8.4 or higher on your device, you may not need to authorize your device with an Adobe ID. You can simply download the eBook and read using iBooks.
    1. Bluefire Reader
    2. DL Reader
  2. You can install these apps by going to the Apps Store, usually found on the main page of your device. Select the “Search” function in the App Store and type in one of the reader app names listed above. Once you find the desired reader app, select the “Free” button and install the app using your Apple ID password.
  3. Once the app has been installed you may need to authorize your device to read the ebook file. In order to do this you will need an Adobe ID. If you already have an Adobe ID move on to step 4(1)(1) or 4(2)(1) depending on the reader app you are using. If you need to obtain an Adobe ID continue to step 4.
  4. To obtain an Adobe ID you can either click this link Adobe ID to go directly to Adobe’s website or you can open the reader app you downloaded and follow the instructions below.
    1. For Bluefire Reader: Once you open this app it will prompt you to enter your Adobe ID. Select the “Create a free Adobe ID” link, enter the required information and select the “Create” button at the bottom.
      1. Once you have your Adobe ID go back to the authorization page and enter your ID and password and select “Authorize”.
    2. For DL Reader: Go to this link Adobe ID, enter the required information and select the “Continue” button at the bottom.
      1. Once you have your Adobe ID go back to the app and select the Information icon. Enter your Adobe ID and password and select “Activate”.
  5. After making your purchase of the Divorce Corp eBook from the DivorceCorp.com website, you will be sent a receipt email with a download link.
  6. Open the email on the device you intend to read the eBook with, and click on the link. This will allow you to download the eBook to your device and start reading.
  7. Open this file after the download is complete. The eBook download process should begin and the eBook should appear in the library of the reader app you installed previously.
  8. Enjoy the Divorce Corp eBook.

Divorce Corp eBook Download Instructions for PC or Mac Computer

Here are the instructions for downloading your eBook copy of Divorce Corp. on a PC or Mac computer.

Please note: you must have an internet connection in order to proceed.

  1. If you have not already done so, you need to install the Adobe Digital Editions free reader software on your computer. If you already have this software installed on your computer skip to step 3. If you already have this software installed on your computer and have authorized your computer using an Adobe ID skip to step 6.
  2. You can download this free software by clicking on this link Adobe Digital Editions. Select the correct version for your computer (Mac or Windows), and the installer will prompt you to start the download. Follow the instructions to complete the download of this software.
  3. Once the software has been installed you will need to authorize your computer to read the ebook file. In order to do this you will need an Adobe ID. If you already have an Adobe ID skip to step 5. If you need to obtain an Adobe ID continue to step 4.
  4. To obtain an Adobe ID click this link Adobe ID to go directly to Adobe’s website. Once there click the “Create an Adobe ID” button. Fill in the required information and click the “Continue” button at the bottom.
  5. Once you have your Adobe ID click the Help menu at the top of the screen in the Adobe Digital Editions software and select “Authorize Computer”. Enter your Adobe ID and Password and click the “Authorize” button. Click “Okay” when you see your computer has been authorized.
  6. After making your purchase of the Divorce Corp eBook from the DivorceCorp.com website, you will be sent a receipt email with a download link.
  7. Open the email on the computer you intend to read the eBook with, and click on the link. This will allow you to download the eBook to your device and start reading.
  8. Open this file after the download is complete. The eBook download process should begin and the eBook should appear in the library of the Adobe Digital Editions software you installed previously.
  9. Enjoy the Divorce Corp eBook.

Divorce Corp eBook Download Instructions for Android Device

Here are the instructions for downloading your eBook copy of Divorce Corp. on an Android device (e.g. Android phone, Kindle Fire).

Please note: you must have an internet connection in order to proceed.

  1. If you have not already done so, you need to install the OverDrive Media Console free reader app on your device. If you already have this app installed on your device skip to step 3. If you already have this app installed on your computer and have authorized your device using an Adobe ID skip to step 6.
  2. You can download this free app by clicking on this link OverDrive Media Console or go to the App Store on your device and search for this app. Select the correct version for your device (Android phone, Kindle, Nook, etc.), and the installer will prompt you to start the download. Follow the instructions to complete the download of this app.
  3. Once the app has been installed you may need an Adobe ID to read the eBook file. If you already have an Adobe ID skip to step 5. If you need to obtain an Adobe ID continue to step 4.
  4. To obtain an Adobe ID click this link Adobe ID to go directly to Adobe’s website. Once there click the “Create an Adobe ID” button. Fill in the required information and click the “Continue” button at the bottom. Alternatively, you can open the OverDrive Media Console app and go to the App Settings page. From there you can select the “Get a free Adobe ID” button, which will open the Create Adobe ID page. Fill in the required information and select the “Create” button at the bottom.
  5. Once you have your Adobe ID go to the App Settings page in the OverDrive Media Console app and enter your Adobe ID and password and select “Authorize”.
  6. After making your purchase of the Divorce Corp eBook from the DivorceCorp.com website, you will be sent a receipt email with a download link.
  7. Open the email on the device you intend to read the eBook with, and click on the link. This will allow you to download the eBook to your device and start reading.
  8. Open this file after the download is complete. The eBook download process should begin and the eBook should appear in the library of the OverDrive Media Console app you installed previously.
  9. 8.1 If for any reason you need to download the eBook to your Android device again, please do a forced stop of your previous download and clear the data from Overdrive prior to downloading the eBook again. This prevents the Overdrive app from getting hung up on your previous download.
  10. Enjoy the Divorce Corp eBook.