Thank you for purchasing the Divorce Corp audiobook. For detailed instructions on how to download and listen to this audiobook please select the listening device you intend to use from the list below.
Please choose the option below that best fits the scenario you will use to download and listen to this audiobook
Download the audiobook file to a PC or Mac computer
Download the audiobook file to an Android smartphone
Audiobook download instructions using a PC or Mac computer and listening with an iPhone
Audiobook download instructions using a PC or Mac computer and listening with an iPad
Audiobook download instructions using an Android smartphone and listening with an Android smartphone
NOTE: These download instructions were tested using Android 4.2.2 and Android 4.3 on Samsung Galaxy 3 & 4 phones. The Smart Audiobook Player App requires Android 2.2 and higher. We recommend upgrading your operating system to the latest Android version. You must be connected to the internet when you download your Divorce Corp Audiobook.
NOTE: Not all Android smartphones support a direct download of the audiobook file. If you do not see the Divorce Corp Audiobook in the downloads location on your phone after pressing the download link, please do not try to download the file directly to your phone a second time. Instead, open the Divorce Corp order email on your computer and download the audiobook file onto your computer. You can then transfer the file to your Android smartphone.
We recommend using an Android Smart Audiobook Player app for full audiobook functionality. It can be used for free for 30 days, after which it costs $2.00. You can use a music player, but it may not hold your place in the book the way the Smart Audiobook Player app will.